Return Policy


Orders are eligible for refund or exchange for three (3) days after the order is received.  All returned items must be in “Like New” condition to be eligible for a refund or exchange.  If your product is received damaged, I ask that you send me a photograph of the damaged item via email.

PLEASE NOTE:  If a package has been damaged during the mailing process, I have NO CONTROL over what happens after it leaves my hands.  I carefully package all of my items, as well as keep photographs of the items before they are packaged.  I also keep a photograph of the packaging as it goes out.  I cannot, however, control how the postal service or delivery service manages the packages once they are in their possession.

In the event you wish to receive a refund or would like to obtain an exchange, you must contact me within three (3) days of receipt of the order in order to obtain approval of the refund or exchange.  Please be sure to indicate your reason.  I am committed to my products and will do everything in my power to ensure your 100% satisfaction.

Once you receive the approval, the return order must be shipped to me within three (3) business days.

PLEASE NOTE:  BUYER is responsible for return shipping.

REFUND:  In the event you wish to receive a refund, the refund will be issued upon receipt and inspection of the product, given it is in “Like New” condition.

EXCHANGE:  In the event of an exchange, the Buyer must allow the original specified amount of time for the replacement product (i.e., if you are exchanging a blanket, you must allow 4-6 weeks for it to be made, packaged and shipped as is indicated on the product page.)  Please remember I do NOT keep an inventory of product.  All items are “Made to Order”.  I will make every effort to get your replacement product to you as quickly as possible.

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